Medical Laboratory Science Program (Bachelor of Science)

Medical Laboratory Science degree
Turn Your Love of Science Into an In-Demand Career
曾经做过COVID-19测试? 一个医学实验室的科学家处理了这个测试来确定你的结果.
Medical laboratory scientists obtain, 准备, 调查, and analyze samples of biological material (such as blood, tissue and urine) from the human body in order to identify sources of disease and determine the validity of data that allows physicians to make their patient diagnosis or determine the effectiveness of treatment.
如果你对科学有热情,有从细胞层面理解世界的动力, you can turn your interests into an exciting, in-demand career that makes a difference.
This is a job with no direct patient interaction, well suited for those who would prefer to work in labs.


Whether analyzing blood and tissue samples, 血型匹配, looking for cellular abnormalities, or identifying parasites and bacteria, GMercyU’s bachelor's degree (BS) in medical laboratory science will help you develop problem-solving skills in a clinical lab setting.  

GMercyU’s 3+1 Medical Laboratory Science program 包括在我们的校园完成所需的通识教育和科学课程的三年, and one year of hands-on and classroom instruction at an affiliate program as you 准备 to pass the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) boards. The program was designed to increase your employability by graduating with a bachelor’s degree and the preparation you need to gain certification as a medical laboratory scientist (MLS) by passing the ASCP boards.

GMercyU also offers a 2+2 option through an articulation agreement with Thomas Jefferson University. 这条路线极具竞争力,但提供了细胞学和生物科学等高级选择.

阅读我们的 Medical Laboratory Science Overview (PDF).

医学实验室科学课程为探索专业领域提供了令人兴奋的学习经验, such as immunology and clinical 微生物学. You’ll have access to the latest biomedical instruments and computer programs as you learn how to conduct and evaluate scientific tests on bodily fluids and tissues.


  • Access to clinical training (while still participating in classes) at an affiliate program and receiving credit towards a bachelor’s degree while maintaining eligibility for federal financial aid through GMercyU
  • 个性化的学习体验,师生比例低至10:1
  • 所有课程均由经验丰富的教师授课(GMercyU无助教)!)
  • 医学实验室科学项目指定的校园协调员提供额外的支持和建议, 快乐狐狸, BS, Rt (r) (m) (qm) (ct)
  • Affiliations with the area’s leading MLS programs*:
    • Pennsylvania Hospital’s School of Medical Laboratory Science
    • Reading Hospital’s School of Laboratory Science
    • St. 克里斯托弗儿童医院医学检验科学学院
    • 哈肯萨克-子午线健康泽西海岸大学医学中心的弗洛伦斯M. Cook School of Medical Laboratory Science (Neptune, NJ)

*You also have the option of transferring to Thomas Jefferson University in your junior or senior year to complete your bioscience degree. 学生s must apply and be accepted.

The mission of the Medical Laboratory Science Program is an expression of the mission of 格温内斯仁慈大学 and the Frances M. Maguire School of Nursing and 健康 Professions. The academic program provides the pre-professional courses in science, 文科, and humanities which allow a student to complete a senior year of clinical education at an approved School of Medical Laboratory Science and at career entry, 能熟练地进行各种临床化验, 具备实验室管理技能并通过国家注册考试. The Medical Laboratory Science program combines education for professional competency with the Mercy tradition of service to society.

The mission of the Medical Laboratory Science program reflects the mission of the University in assuring that the students have a strong background in the sciences, 文科及人文学科, that the student is clinically competent and possesses the qualities and abilities expected of a 格温内斯仁慈大学 graduate.


1. Develop a professional demeanor unique to the individual but reflective of the values and life-long skills nurtured at GMercyU. This includes GMercyU’s Core Values:
  • 言行正直
  • Respect for the Dignity of Each Person
  • 服务社会
  • Social Justice In a Diverse World
2. Excel in the skills necessary to perform a wide range of medical laboratory testing with precision and accuracy.

3. Command a broad knowledge base of medical laboratory science and natural sciences in order to adapt to and continue to grow with the rapidly changing field of medical laboratory science.

In addition to completing your general education requirements, 你需要完成医学实验室科学专业的以下课程:

Medical Laboratory Science – 35 credits (at affiliate program)

410年美国职业足球大联盟  Medical Immuno血液学 – 2 Credits
425年美国职业足球大联盟 先进的血液学 & 凝血- 2学分
435年美国职业足球大联盟 免疫学- 2学分
445年美国职业足球大联盟 医学化学- 4学分
455年美国职业足球大联盟 Medical Microbiology – 5 Credits
415年美国职业足球大联盟 Clinical Immuno血液学 – 2 Credits
420年美国职业足球大联盟 Basic Hematology and 凝血- 2学分
430年美国职业足球大联盟 Clinical Hematology and 凝血- 2学分
440年美国职业足球大联盟 验尿 & 其他体液- 2学分
450年美国职业足球大联盟 Clinical Chemistry – 4 Credits
460年美国职业足球大联盟 Clinical Microbiology – 4 Credits
475年美国职业足球大联盟 Clinical Seminar/Capstone – 4 Credits

自然 & Computational Sciences – 38-43 credits (at University)

生物203/203L 普通生物学I
生物251/251L or 生物402/402L 遗传学 or 细胞分子生物学
生物305/305L 微生物生物学
生物313 免疫学
CHM 151/151L 化学原理1
CHM 152/152L 化学原理2
CHM 203/203L 有机化学I
CHM 204/204L 有机化学II
CHM 301/301L 生物化学

拥有医学实验室技术副学士学位的学生- 3学分

生物103 人体解剖学

没有医学实验室技术副学士学位的学生- 8学分

生物107/107L 解剖学 & 生理学我
生物108/108L 解剖学 & 生理学二世

你的大四将在校外的附属医学实验室科学项目中度过, 获得在该领域取得成功所需的额外课堂和实践经验. Upon completion of the affiliate program, 学生将获得该课程的结业证书.

信贷需求: 你必须完成至少120学分的医学实验室科学学士学位.

看到 本科目录 欲知更多资料. 

看到 Medical Laboratory Science Handbook 2023-2024 (PDF) for all details about the program.


Increase the value of your radiology degree by adding an 本科小 that best meets your personal and professional goals, such as 微生物学 or healthcare administration.

在化学和生物学基础上打下坚实的基础之后, 高等医学检验科学课程侧重于专业领域和医学科学技术. 这里是你作为医学实验室专业的学生要学习的几门课程.

415年美国职业足球大联盟: Clinical Immuno血液学
本课程研究免疫血液学的方法和解决问题的技巧. 它包括交叉匹配, 抗体识别, 血液和血液成分的制备和输血以及输血反应.

This class studies 化学 of the human body. 包括酶学, 内分泌学, 脂类生物化学, carbohydrates and proteins; metabolism of nitrogenous end products, physiology and metabolism of fluids and electrolytes; colorimetry and spectrophotometry; electrophoresis; chromatography; theory and principle of instrumentation; radioimmunoassay; toxicology and quality control.

460年美国职业足球大联盟: Clinical Microbiology
Identification and sensitivity testing of pathological microorganisms from normal and infectious materials by appropriate laboratory techniques. 还包括寄生虫学、真菌学、分枝杆菌学、血清学和一些病毒学.

For all Medical Laboratory Science course descriptions, please 参考 本科目录.


快乐狐狸, BS, Rt (r) (m) (qm) (ct)
位置: Campus Coordinator, Medical Laboratory Science & 放射技术
你知道吗?? 福克斯在医学成像领域工作多年,担任放射科技术人员, quality assurance technologist, and chief and administrative technologist as well as an educator in various institutions in the tristate region.



位置: 生物学副教授
你知道吗?? McEliece教授的研究兴趣包括遗传学的各个方面, 果蝇胚胎发生, 细胞老化与癌症.




位置: 生物学副教授
你知道吗?? Dr. 莱蒂尼的研究兴趣包括宿主-寄生虫关系的生态学和能量学.

Even though you never meet the patients, you get to know them in a sense and see them recover through numbers. ...随着医疗保健的不断变化,总是需要更多的实验室人员.

——凯特琳·萨尔弗兰克21年 Medical Technologist, Doylestown Hospital


作为一个GMercyU MLS专业的学生, your senior year will be spent off-campus at an affiliate Medical Laboratory Science Program and their clinical education sites, 获得在该领域取得成功所需的额外课堂和实践经验. 学生s must apply to affiliates and be accepted to attend. 

学生s attending affiliate programs will pay the tuition of that program and a small fee to 格温内斯仁慈大学 for the fall and spring semesters instead of the regular University tuition (a significantly lower amount). 然而,大学颁发的奖学金和助学金将不再适用, 学生可以继续通过大学申请联邦财政援助. 对于接受退伍军人福利的学生,学校不再是联络人. It is the responsibility of the student to contact affiliate programs of interest to determine if VA benefits can be continued.

GMercyU holds affiliations with the area’s four leading MLS programs:

  • 宾夕法尼亚医院医学实验室科学学院(费城,宾夕法尼亚州)
  • Reading Hospital’s School of Laboratory Science (Reading, PA)
  • St. 克里斯托弗儿童医院医学检验科学学院(费城,宾夕法尼亚州)
  • 哈肯萨克-子午线健康,泽西海岸大学医学中心佛罗伦萨M. Cook School of Medical Laboratory Science (Neptune, NJ)

Graduates of these programs will receive a certificate of completion. B.S. degree will be granted by 格温内斯仁慈大学.

GMercyU还与托马斯·杰斐逊大学(Thomas Jefferson University)签订了衔接协议. Contact the Campus Coordinator for additional information.

After graduating from GMercyU’s Medical Laboratory Science Program, your skills will be in high demand with 24,00 job openings predicted through 2032, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Your degree can open the door to these jobs and more:  

  • 血库技术员
  • Histotechnologist
  • Medical Equipment Sales Representative
  • 医务化验主任
  • Medical Laboratory Technologist
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  • 研究助理

Melissa Scharf, 22岁

Current 位置: Histotechnologist, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
在毕业之前, 梅丽莎被自己选择的部门聘用,她是该领域的坚定倡导者.

"Working as a medical lab scientist is very rewarding as our results greatly impact patient care and diagnosis. 我强烈鼓励所有对医疗保健或相关科学感兴趣的学生攻读MLS学位. Medical lab techs are in very high demand and jobs are readily available in a variety of departments based on the tech’s interests."




Current 位置: Medical Technologist, Doylestown Hospital
Caitlin loves that every day is different at her job, 这让她可以在医疗保健行业扮演更“幕后”的角色, 没有直接接触病人. 

There is opportunity in this field, she says. "Most of the current MLS employees are closer to retirement 年龄, and there are not many people coming out of school with this degree."

Learn about Caitlin's GMercyU experience.

What field are you interested in?

[You can] work in a variety of hospital laboratory departments which include but are not limited to: blood banking, 微生物学, 病毒学, 细胞遗传学, 组织学和病理学, 化学, 血液学, 分子生物学. 

—Melissa Scharf, 22岁, Histotechnologist, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children


Have questions about GMercyU's 招生要求 or 转让符合条件的学分? 摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站! Our 招生 staff is ready to walk you through the process of applying to GMercyU’s Medical Laboratory Science program.

电话: 215-641-5510

请注意: 参加这个项目的学生必须有能力获得美国签证.S. background check and other clearances for placement in a U.S. 临床/学校设置. U.S. 在某些学术课程中,公民身份或永久居留权也是获得执照的必要条件. International students and students who are under DACA status or are undocumented should carefully review the licensure requirements in their state before enrolling in a degree program that leads to licensure. Additional information can be found on the National Conference of State Legislatures website.

许可: 该计划旨在满足宾夕法尼亚州联邦的执照要求. If you reside in a different state, 在参加这个项目之前,你应该仔细检查你所在州的执照要求. For more information, please visit our Program Licensure Requirement p年龄.


在GMercyU, 我们努力通过财政援助使所有人都能获得优质教育, 奖学金, 和赠款. As a military-friendly university, 我们欢迎服务成员并参与所有VA教育福利计划. 

While at an affiliate MLS program: 学生s who receive tuition assistance from the Veterans Administration (VA) should be aware that once they enter the affiliate program, 大学将不再是处理VA学费交易的联络人. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the affiliate program to find out if they are a VA participating program prior to applying.  The certifying official at a VA participating affiliate will assume the role of processing VA benefits while enrolled in the affiliate program. 学生也应该直接联系VA获取更多信息.

Get the training you need for a career in medical laboratory science. 今天就开始吧!



An Exciting Addition to Campus 

最先进的教室. Immersive simulation and skills labs. 专业之间的合作空间,学习如何治疗“整体”病人, 医疗保健最佳实践. 室外露台,通风,宽敞的中庭,以及方便的微型市场.
参观未来的弗朗西斯·M. Maguire 健康care Innovation Center.